What Keeps Bees Away? 12 Natural Ways That Work

However, Rosemary’s scent is also very effective in keeping bees away without causing them harm. Also, do not use Lemongrass spray on any trees, gardens, or flowerbeds with flowers you want the bees to pollinate. Although wasps are not bees, several people get confused and go into a panic.

keep bees away from home

You can also soak cotton balls in vanilla and leave them strategically around the house to keep bees outside where they belong. Just like some plants attract bees, you will also find plants that bees don’t like, and it helps you keep them away. The bees dislike the scent of peppermint plants, plant them around your house, and it will keep them away.

How to keep bees away from the saltwater pool?

Remember to take precautions around your yard so as not to attract unwanted insects to your new home. Keep an eye on food crops close to your house and especially on your garden. Suppose you see any wandering bee or wasps looking for a place to build their nest; remove them immediately. Garlic is another bee repellent that you can use in multiple ways.

Therefore, if there is a strong presence of hives around your home, no new bees will move in. Because saltwater contains no chlorine, honey bees rely on disinfecting their hives. A very popular method of getting rid of bees is through the use of cinnamon. The smell of cinnamon is a deterrent, just like citrus smells are. Therefore, placing cinnamon sticks in a jar or other container close to your hive is very effective.

Bees vs. Wasps, Hornets, and Yellow Jackets

Bees dislike the scents of lavender, citrus, and clover. In contrast, wasps dislike scents such as peppermint, lemongrass, clove, and geranium essential oils. Safety from bees should always be the top priority for getting rid of wasps.

keep bees away from home

This is also one of our favorite home remedies for wasps, so set the pie dishes around any wasp nests in your yard. Add the witch hazel to a spray bottle and then add the essential oils. You can use just one if that’s all you have on hand, or you can combine both. Return the top to the spray bottle and shake to mix all of the ingredients. Many bees and wasps are attracted to nectar like they find in flowers or hummingbird feeders. You may have to forego feeding the hummers to keep bees away.

Home Remedies To Keep Bees Away

You can apply a very small amount of Tea tree oil to the jars or frames of containers where the bees are entering. These simple methods can ensure that the bees have no reason to come near you while you enjoy your outdoor event. If you are planning an outdoor event, avoid putting bananas on the menu or making deserts using raw bananas to avoid antagonizing any bees nearby.

Bees are attracted to pools and tend to drink by the poolside. Bees do need a source of water and a pool offers more than they could ever ask for. You probably won’t be able to handle this with a home remedy and you should consult a professional or get professional insecticide. They also sniff out things like aftershave, lotion, sunscreen, deodorant, hair spray, body mist, or any other smelly substance. When the sock is saturated with thyme oil, go ahead and wring it out a few times. You can make a thyme sock that you can hang anywhere you want.

Removing Nesting Areas

I started off with a nasty fly problem, and was very interested in finding ways to get rid of them without having to use harmful chemicals and pesticides. But you can also take more measures to stop any future bees from slipping through the cracks. Bees hang around your car because you kill a huge number of bugs when you drive.

keep bees away from home

While bees feed their larvae pollen, wasp species nourish theirs with other insects. That means that wasps are great for controlling pests that would otherwise be snacking on your flowers and tomatoes. According to National Geographic, some farmers even use them to protect crops. And contrary to popular belief, wasps do pollinate plants, just not to the same extent that bees do. To keep away from bees, choose a picnic location away from places where they typically gather, like trash cans or tall grass.

You can also use baby powder for repelling bees from specific areas as well. You can also spread them around in your flower beds and around dry areas on your lawn to keep ground bees at bay. Tarping, or placing a tarp over the beehive will cause bees to move their hive elsewhere as well.

keep bees away from home

You can also hire a company that specializes in bee removal services. Bees are naturally repelled by marigolds, so the bright flowers will keep them from flying too close to your outdoor activities. One way to deter bees and wasps from your pool area is to add an alternative water source. It can be a bucket of water, a barrel pond, or a bird fountain.

Top up the spray bottle with water and shake well to combine all the ingredients. Spray the mixture around windows, doors, and patio furniture. The mixture will dry on these surfaces but leaves the scent of the ingredients to keep the bees away. Finding wasps or bees inside your house is an issue that is even more distressing than having them in your yard.


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